5 thoughts on “Swimming the Tiber

  1. I am ready as soon as the ordinariate is in place or sooner if the local bishop will take me. My diocese is already squeezing out the traditionalists through unemployment, so I can hardly hurt my family financially than it already is.
    For the laity, I ask you: Can you trust your soul to TEC? How about your children? Do you want their religious education left to TEC? And if ACNA is your alternative, do you trust them with their reliance on their personal reading of Scripture to stay true to the faith? (How has that worked out in TEC?) God bless you –and us– all.

  2. And if ACNA is your alternative, do you trust them with their reliance on their personal reading of Scripture to stay true to the faith?

    Yes, because it isn’t “every person for him or herself”. It is in the context of a community of Christians.

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